This Is Like, A Rant
Like, why is this word used so much? I know it's like, able to describe like, everything, and it's like, addicting. But maybe some other word could be used like, basically, or like similar. I like, think this is ridiculous. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not bashing on anybody that uses this word a lot. I think, more appropriately put, that I am bashing on the word itself. Since I am not one of the people who uses the word at least somewhat excessively, I often find it hard to imagine how some people end up using it so much. Why not leave it out? I have realized some things. Notably, that the word is used when someone is trying to describe something. If the object/subject/whatever is hard to describe, sentences degrade in to, "it's like, like this kind of, and it's like, but like this, only like this instead, like yeah." Even if the subject itself is hard to describe, I don't think that the person describing is necessarily bad at describing. Simply be...