
Showing posts from April, 2010

This Is Like, A Rant

Like, why is this word used so much? I know it's like, able to describe like, everything, and it's like, addicting. But maybe some other word could be used like, basically, or like similar. I like, think this is ridiculous. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not bashing on anybody that uses this word a lot. I think, more appropriately put, that I am bashing on the word itself. Since I am not one of the people who uses the word at least somewhat excessively, I often find it hard to imagine how some people end up using it so much. Why not leave it out? I have realized some things. Notably, that the word is used when someone is trying to describe something. If the object/subject/whatever is hard to describe, sentences degrade in to, "it's like, like this kind of, and it's like, but like this, only like this instead, like yeah." Even if the subject itself is hard to describe, I don't think that the person describing is necessarily bad at describing. Simply be

Cold Or Hot?

I've been basking in the increasingly warm weather lately. Being able to go outside in forty to fifty degree weather and feel warm is fun. I think it's interesting how the body gets used to a regular temperature, and then bases what is warm and cold off that. When it's around seventy-five during the day as a constant temperature, the body gets used to that and registers temperatures around fifty as cold, as opposed to warm when it's used to thirty degree weather. However, along comes the time when I get used to sunny sixty-five, and a sudden chill slinks in. It rained today. I love rain, but it was also cold. And when I say cold, I mean fifty-something. Now normally that wouldn't be a problem, but now that I'm used to warmer weather that temperature (or anything below it) feels cold now. And to put it truthfully, it's a little irritating. It's irritating because I used to work in that climate without a thought for the temperature, but now it takes some

Informally From The Heart

Sometimes I'll be writing in my journal and think, "snikey, what is this coming out of my brain? I didn't know I thought that! This would be better placed as a blog post rather than in an obscure notebook. Why don't I just journal online?" Of course, this thought is closely followed by the reasoning that whatever is on my blog is open to anybody who, accidentally or not, cares to read it. No, I wouldn't want that. But I want the feeling, the unrestricted freedom of posting as if I was writing a journal. Informal. Sincere. From the heart. Looking at the small amount of posts to date, leaves me feeling obligated to always write an article, or insight, or post of some life lesson I've learned (hopefully) because of the content/layout of all the others. Not that I don't like writing that type of post, it's just that the idea that I have to because all the others are that way, actually keeps me from starting a new post because I don't want to put i

A Star (song)

Here's a song I've been working on and off with for a couple months now. It's....well I think there's a few tweaks left, one or two things I might change a little. Otherwise it's finished. Personally, I think the title is a little cliche, but I like it anyway, and don't have any other ideas for the time being. Enjoy. I was walking outside, On a warm summers night, fifty-three degrees, I looked up and saw, The pretty night sky, Hardly a cloud in sight, A big giant moon, Lit it all up, But it's not what I saw that night, I saw the stars and a star, One that shone out loud, Made me think of you, Shining from the crowd, A heart that's all ablaze, Full of love and grace, Lighting up the world, Against a black background, Caring not who sees you, 'Cause it's all or nothing, For Jesus with everything, My eyes looking up high, Locked on that star in the sky, And I know why, 'cause, I think it was, Sometime in September, When, I don't quite rememb

Time & Thought

My poor neglected blog. For the past month I've posted about once a week. There's a concept in writing novels, where as long as you keep brainstorming and writing, more ideas will keep coming. The brain is so powerful that the more you think about something, the more stuff about that something it will come up with. This seems to be true for a lot of things. I notice my blog posts come in bursts with breaks in between in several areas. Every other day or so for a week, and then there's a sudden break. One explanation for these breaks is that I think I simply stopped thinking about my blog so much. Why would this happen? I like writing. I like writing about things I care about, I like writing without the stifling feeling of having to write a certain way, or to a certain persons liking. Another explanation I have for these sudden breaks, I get so busy I don't want to sit down and devote half an hour to two hours on a blog post, when there's so much else I have to do. E


There are some things I can't think about for very long before my brain can't handle anymore and has to back down. In effect it just goes "fizzle". Okay, does that make sense? Here's the way it goes. I'll start thinking about....animals. Like how do they know that, and why do they act like that, and the way they're built for specific roles. The earth's lithosphere, how the plates of rock move around and create the valleys and mountains. Gravity, and the tides in water because of the's all incredible. The atmosphere is way more complex than I would think by just looking at it, I mean really, it's just a lot of.....air.....right? Wait, air is nitrogen and oxygen and this and that and polluted to this and something over there.....brain shuts down and fizzles before restart. The water cycle, perfectly manufactured to provide enough water revolving around to keep the earth alive. And a plain leaf. Who woulda thunk a leaf would be so incr

One Of Life's Many Quirks

Last night I slept with the window open, for the first time this year! Ah yes, it was a cold breeze, but I had blankets and I slept really well because of it. Beside that though, I had just gotten to the point of having all the blankets arranged and snuggled just right, when I realized I hadn't prayed that night yet. The thought did cross my mind to simply pray while in bed, but that never works real well. The combined warmth and comfortableness makes for a sleep inducing atmosphere. That is after all, how beds are designed to work. So during the next ten minutes my mind sub-consciously raced through countless thoughts, brilliant inspirations for songs and projects, and dull pondering all the while I was struggling to convince myself to get out of my bed to pray. After staring into space for so long, my eyes finally moved around and eventually came to my calendar still on March. Immediately my brain registered "kill two birds with one stone" concept, get out of bed and yo

Never Alone

George Washington Carver was an interesting man. I was reading a book about him recently, and I came across a few pieces that stuck in my head more than the usual facts. At one point George is in his log cabin and completely snowed in, and feeling very lonely. He remembers Jesus then, traipsing through the desert for forty days and nights. (Luke 4:1-13) Man, I can't even imagine walking in beautiful weather for ten straight days, much less a desert for forty . That's a month and then some. On top of that, he doesn't have a bite to eat and the devil comes around to try and trip him up. That's just rough. There's another part in this book about George when he's feeling very depressed and gloomy when he again remembers Jesus, this time in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-46) If anyone had cause to be depressed, Jesus did. Here he is in this grove like place, and he knows his betrayer is coming with men who are going to kill him. So he's praying, asking