Never Alone

George Washington Carver was an interesting man. I was reading a book about him recently, and I came across a few pieces that stuck in my head more than the usual facts.
At one point George is in his log cabin and completely snowed in, and feeling very lonely. He remembers Jesus then, traipsing through the desert for forty days and nights. (Luke 4:1-13)

Man, I can't even imagine walking in beautiful weather for ten straight days, much less a desert for forty. That's a month and then some. On top of that, he doesn't have a bite to eat and the devil comes around to try and trip him up. That's just rough.

There's another part in this book about George when he's feeling very depressed and gloomy when he again remembers Jesus, this time in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-46)
If anyone had cause to be depressed, Jesus did. Here he is in this grove like place, and he knows his betrayer is coming with men who are going to kill him. So he's praying, asking the Father to take this... future from him, and all the while his disciples that are his closest followers keep falling asleep as if it's just another camp out under the stars. That's depressing.

I often feel as if there's no one who really understands exactly what I'm feeling. Doesn't help any when I'm not sure myself. It is true though, that no human, despite how long they may spend with me, including myself, knows me better than God. He also has gone through way more difficulty and pain than I or anyone else ever has, or ever could.

This is an incredible truth to possess. No matter what may befall me, I can remember Jesus, who was tempted in every way and yet never sinned for thirty some years, before being crucified. A horrible, drawn out death after being betrayed and disowned by those closest to him.

No. I am never alone. I have no reason for depression, and there is someone who loves me unconditionally, no matter how broken I feel. There is someone who knows my innermost thoughts and emotions, even when they're to convoluted for me to understand fully. Someone who has gone through intense mental, and physical pain, and really realizes just how much that hammer hitting my finger hurt. He was a carpenter after all.

When the strength of my life has gone through every temptation and struggle more so than I have, how is it that I let myself be deceived into thinking that I'm all alone?

I am never alone......are you?


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