Time & Thought

My poor neglected blog. For the past month I've posted about once a week.
There's a concept in writing novels, where as long as you keep brainstorming and writing, more ideas will keep coming. The brain is so powerful that the more you think about something, the more stuff about that something it will come up with.

This seems to be true for a lot of things. I notice my blog posts come in bursts with breaks in between in several areas. Every other day or so for a week, and then there's a sudden break. One explanation for these breaks is that I think I simply stopped thinking about my blog so much. Why would this happen? I like writing. I like writing about things I care about, I like writing without the stifling feeling of having to write a certain way, or to a certain persons liking.

Another explanation I have for these sudden breaks, I get so busy I don't want to sit down and devote half an hour to two hours on a blog post, when there's so much else I have to do. Especially when all I have is a simple concept with no ideas for textual filler. (which happens to be most of the time)
Example: I get up, do my morning routine, and work on school. Just before lunch is a spot where I can sometimes squeeze in a post. I have lunch, then there's work and any leftover school, (and there always is) and a break for reading or just lazing around. Now if I was enthusiastic enough, I could do my blog during the break....but well, you know how it goes.
After that there's always projects and the really leftover school, and supper and family time, and a last run around outside in the twilight of summer, or a movie, the nighttime routine, and then sleep.

It's easy to forget about blogging, to simply say "tomorrow". Easy to stop thinking about it and devote that thought to something else. When that happens, I end up with less ideas and enthusiasm for it, and it's harder to start again. If I let either my thoughts or time devoted slide, I end up posting less. Not because I don't want too, but because I have less ideas, I devote less time. If I devote less time my ideas don't go anywhere and I lose interest in coming up with new ones.

Here's my conclusion: I need to have adequate thought and time devoted to God, just like my blog, or else my relationship slides. It's too dangerous let either one lessen. Thinking about God is great, but it won't go anywhere without time devoted to studying him. Thinking can come up with amazing ideas, but without biblical study to back it up, it's only half-baked, truth-less dreams. On the flip side, biblical study without thought quickly becomes legalistic. There's no life, inspiration or incentive to study God if there's no motivating, enthusiastic thought.

When there's both though, thought and biblical study, it's just like writing a novel. The brain keeps coming up with questions, insights, and desire for more. The biblical study in turn, supplies the truth, fuel for your brain to keep questioning, seeking and digging for more.
The more I seek God, the more I learn of God, the more I want to know more about him. I can't say it any better. His truth fuels me to find more and live out what I discover.

Time and thought together is a powerful combination. Just don't let it go the wrong way.


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