
There are some things I can't think about for very long before my brain can't handle anymore and has to back down. In effect it just goes "fizzle".
Okay, does that make sense? Here's the way it goes. I'll start thinking about....animals. Like how do they know that, and why do they act like that, and the way they're built for specific roles. The earth's lithosphere, how the plates of rock move around and create the valleys and mountains. Gravity, and the tides in water because of the's all incredible. The atmosphere is way more complex than I would think by just looking at it, I mean really, it's just a lot of.....air.....right? Wait, air is nitrogen and oxygen and this and that and polluted to this and something over there.....brain shuts down and fizzles before restart.

The water cycle, perfectly manufactured to provide enough water revolving around to keep the earth alive. And a plain leaf. Who woulda thunk a leaf would be so incredible? Leaves are thick-celled on one side and have less cells on the other, and quit working when the plant can't run them, and that's just a little about a typical leaf. It's just to complex and in-depth and woven all together. If I think about it to long, my brain fizzles.

I try again with the human body. Now, granted I do know that there's really no chance I will be able to study the human body without my brain fizzling, but, I consider it worth the bother.
Just the eyeball is enough to stagger the mind, not to mention the other senses, and that's mostly just the head. The nervous, lymphatic, waste, respiratory and blood systems are all fascinating. My brain can fizzle with any one of them.

You know what's more fun? Thinking about God. He's not just a demigod, or an ancient hero, or a wizard, or a titan, he's not even just a god. He's God. His name is God. That is so cool. Hmm. The gods.....zeus, posiden, hades, prometheus, (did I spell all those right?) a whole slew of mythical made-ups. But then there's God, who is not just some figure defined as a god, he is the definition of god, because he is the God. Everybody else just tried to steal his totally awesome name.

I seriously can't think deeply about God for to long, or my brain sputters with amazement. Not only is creation absolutely stunning in depth, as well as from a view of it all together, creation is also from the imagination of God. Furthermore, creation is just the physical side of things.

I can't comprehend how God is actually in control when all I see is chaos. It helps to remember that he's got a good position to see it all from. There are what, 6 billion people? Somehow God orchestrates people movements and paths, whether they acknowledge it or not, so that his purpose is achieved. While he's doing that, however, he has a relationship with anyone who asks for one and reveals himself to each individual in specific, mind-blowing ways. Yes, mind-blowing to the point of fizzling.

But I can't help myself. The reason I live today is my God, and my God wrapped himself in human form, for thirty-some years. If I was God, I don't think I'd voluntarily leave my throne; my home. Thankfully I'm not God, or else the world would be, well let's just say creation would be dead already and I'd be trying again for the fifth time.

God, who I'll now call Jesus, before he was crucified, walked through the crowds and get this, they spat on him. Spit. I always read that, and then just continue after acknowledging the fact.
I don't know about you, but being spit on is disgusting, revolting and completely humiliating to me. My view of someone who spits on another drops to the ground and makes a crater. Jesus walked through a street of flying spit to die for those very people. When he stumbled with the cross, I wonder if his foot hit a patch of cold spittle. That he died for these people.... is insane to my human mind. Christ's back was flayed open, a crown of thorns squashed on his head, and beaten with rods.. Ow ow and ow. He was brought to the cross, which is a painless word for, big rough wooden pole with a cross-beam, that they then nail your arms and legs to with huge metal spikes. It's a death designed to be excruciatingly painful and drawn-out.

And he died. He took my sin, and died with it, taking my death with him. He rose again, so that through him I can live a new life, free of sin, forever.

I wish I could go on, but I can't.

Like I said, my brain fizzles.


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