This Is Like, A Rant

Like, why is this word used so much? I know it's like, able to describe like, everything, and it's like, addicting. But maybe some other word could be used like, basically, or like similar. I like, think this is ridiculous.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not bashing on anybody that uses this word a lot. I think, more appropriately put, that I am bashing on the word itself. Since I am not one of the people who uses the word at least somewhat excessively, I often find it hard to imagine how some people end up using it so much. Why not leave it out?

I have realized some things. Notably, that the word is used when someone is trying to describe something. If the object/subject/whatever is hard to describe, sentences degrade in to, "it's like, like this kind of, and it's like, but like this, only like this instead, like yeah."
Even if the subject itself is hard to describe, I don't think that the person describing is necessarily bad at describing. Simply being in a group setting can send many of my thoughts fleeing and disappearing to some obscure black hole in my brain, reluctant to come out until the coast is clear. This makes it harder to immediately divulge thoughts, (as they aren't there all of a sudden) and consequently, a loss of confidence depending on your ability with poise and dealing with pressure.

To continue, saying, "well it's like," gives some stalling time and seems to help defuse expectations, relax the discussion, and generally give the impression that maybe the describer isn't as blank-minded as they look. That they really do have something to say coming out, if only everybody waits a little while longer. While this may be true for the speaker, it isn't necessarily true for the listeners. Unfortunately enough, while like may be a saver for the first few moments, it turns around and can almost viciously reduce the speaker to helplessly relying on it over and over. It's a kind of rallying word.

Matters are not helped one bit when the speaker is teased for this very reason, (which is also an interruption to an already fragile thought process) when they realize how bad this is starting to sound, and when someone starts counting off likes on their fingers. I hate it when people do that. It's utterly distracting, and in my opinion, almost cruel because it shows that the counter has no interest in what the other has to say. (although I'm not suggesting that everyone else is interested, for that matter)

End of rant, part one.

Part one? Well you see, I have another quibble with this word. So many people use the word to describe a relationship with another person, or a starting relationship. The quibble I have, is that I like a lot of people. Men and women.
Someone else is, like, "but I don't just like that person, I like that person." Whatever. You get what I mean? Instead of admitting that maybe they're attracted to someone, the word like is being substituted so it's easier to come out with it.

The problem that I see, lies not only with the word, but also with the viewpoint that's being changed by this. Whenever a guy is friends with a girl, (or vice versa) people start thinking, "oh, they like each other." Well duh. They're friends. Just because they like each other and make each other laugh and smile doesn't mean something more. Then some idiot (forgive me, that's a little mean, but really) decides to tease them. In unfortunate situations, it can even break up the friendship by causing the two to think maybe they are a little closer than they thought, and that's something they never wanted, at least not yet anyway.

That's not where it ends though. Suppose a guy is friends with another guy. Or a two girls are friends. What is the too often assumed conclusion? They're gay. Sheesh. Again, unfortunately, as more people are deceived in their minds, the more this ends up being the practice. Like the above statement, in some cases teasing can break down the friendship, especially if the two are maybe a little gullible. To apt to inherently take what others say to seriously.

This is officially the end of rant, part two.

In a conclusion that I feel for some reason is needed, again I say that I'm not bashing on the like users. I just don't like it, when people tease users rather than trying to help them express themselves. I don't like that people feel they need to resort to using like, to get words out to instantly satisfy what may feel like an impatient listener(s).
I don't like how the word is being substituted for another word (attraction) that takes more guts to say. This is, not to sound mean, rather gutless behavior.
I don't like when people start not just accepting, but imposing on others that to like someone else is to mean you have more than a friendship.

End of conclusion to rant. Hope you liked it.


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