Watch Out For Lodestones

Here's an excerpt from a biography of Susanna Wesley I've been reading.

Dr. Annesley pointed to his newly-constructed compass. "Which way is the needle pointing?" he asked.
"North and south."
"Correct. Let's see if we can change that." He slowly moved the lodestone around the magnetized needle, as he did so the needle shifted.
"Explain that Sukey."
"The needle is more attracted to the lodestone than the north pole."
"Because the lodestone is closer."
"Correct! And this is what happens to most of us. We seek God's will for our lives, but even as we seek it our inward compass is deflected by our own desires."

Isn't that neat?
We seek God, as the compass, but so often our direction is affected by that lodestone that is so much closer, and more appealing right now.
Really, it's a question of what do you really want? Sure, you want to serve God, I always want that, but is there something underlying that? That's hard. Oh yes Lord, I want to serve you, but in the meantime people that I like will be impressed at what I'm doing. My friends will be so encouraging and understanding because of what I'm doing.
Do you purely want to serve God? It seems practically impossible to answer. It can be a real challenge trying to find if what you are saying is entirely true, or if there's some little things in the cracks. Not even bad things really, just some little lodestone you cherish.
If God asked what you would do for him, what would you do for him?

There's a question that goes, "If you could have everything you wanted in heaven, all your friends, no hardship, no disease, all your wants taken care of, and everything you could ever need or use, would you be happy with heaven if Christ was not there?

A hard question. But how about this one.

If God asked for everything you had, would you give it?

I don't know about everyone else, but this one is almost harder for me.
Hmmm. I don't mind rice and beans....or just rice.....a small house is house at all might be disconcerting but doable. Could do without all my stuff, but what about clothes? What about health? He promises he'll provide. Job sure is an encouragement when I think about this question.

I guess what I'm getting at is this. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to keep our compass directly on course, especially when we can see what looks right. A lodestone that is cleverly disguised can feel a lot like north to a compass. Satan doesn't care if we are spiritually active as long as we're not spiritually effective. Watch out for lodestones.
The antidote to lodestone attraction, is of course talking and listening to God. More correctly, listening and talking.

May your bible study be blessed. Keep on pursuing God. You are cared for and God does have a direction for your life, even if you're prayer is only answered with, wait.

Till later' Ben


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