Is This Awesome?

You were awesome!

Wow. You know what, that's really something. I've been using and hearing people use the word awesome so much I decided to look it up and find out just what it means. Turns out I had a little fun!
I knew that awesome was generally reserved just for God, but not why.

Awesome is inspiring awe.

Okay, so what's awe? Awe is reverential fear, dread mingled with veneration.
And if you dig a little further, awe is an emotion that is inspired by authority, or something sacred or sublime. If you want, you can dig along and find out what all those words mean, if you aren't sure.

So we go backwards now. Awe is reverential fear, and awesome is inspiring awe.
Awesome means, inspiring reverential fear mingled with dread and veneration. Usually used to describe a feeling when beholding an authority that is sacred and of higher status than we.

I can practically collapse with laughter here :)

"Hey dude, awesome hair!"

"You were awesome!"
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Awesome shoes!"

"Your shirt is awesome. It's got like, a sacred cross, and a bunch of really scary skulls that fill me with reverential fear. Dread just fills me whenever you come around."

You can put in, I dread, or dreadful, for awesome in those sentences above. Go ahead, try thinking of your own situations, and how funny it turns out.
Doesn't this sound wacky? Awesome this, awesome that, we don't use this word right, and we use it too much.

It's funny, but also kind of not funny at all. We aren't awesome. Thinking about it, nothing on earth is awesome. We are so un-awesome, so not-scary, or dreadful, so not in authority and so not sacred that God had to do something about it just so we wouldn't eternally die because of our un-awesomeness.

Who or what is awesome here?

Holy Batman, God is AWESOME!

Hmmm. I probably shouldn't use the word Holy with Batman.... back to the Encyclopedic Dictionary then..... oh but that's for another time. And I know what Holy means. At least I think I do, I thought I knew what awesome was didn't I? :)


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