
I get the wrong impression from people a lot. I'm not real good at guessing what their trying to say, imply, or whatever. And you know what? I find myself being the same way often, even if I try to be clear.

Here's an example: sometimes the enthusiasm we Christians have for our faith is so blatant it seems like nothing must go wrong for us.
Yeah, like sometimes I'm talking to someone, and I have to slow myself down and realize that maybe I'm not spouting the whole truth.

"Yeah, God gives me such peace, and I trust Him with everything, and God will take care of you no-matter what; and it's so amazing having a personal relationship with my savior. Ask and accept God into your heart and everything will be so much better."

True, yes.

But that doesn't mean I feel that all the time.

Sometimes it just seems that we act like we're in God-mode.
"Nothing can stop me now!"
"Unlimited power!"
"Death can't touch me!"
"Unlimited knowledge of our universe immediately!"

You know what? We're still human. We still have fears. We still needlessly worry over some things. We still have doubts even. We certainly aren't always peaceful. And we definitely don't always feel that things are going great, that we know where we're going, and that we're secure.

Yeah, those things still plague us. It's not that having God in our lives makes everything go smoothly and our lives comfortable. More the opposite it seems.
The reality is that in spite of our fears and concerns, we learn to rely on God. Through our experiences and troubles it helps us learn to trust Him more. Over and over, we see God providing for us, and our trust grows. Our love for Him increases.
Harder troubles come, and it's not that we have some sort of God-mode that keeps us calm, (we're most likely fighting inner turmoil) it's that we have a deep rooted faith in what has been proven over and over to us as true. He's taught us to trust Him.

Ephesians 6:14-18
"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

With the truth, with a conscience forgiven by God so we know we are righteous, with readiness that comes from knowing God is in control, with faith in these things, with knowledge that we are saved from hell, and with the Holy Spirit of God in us, and contact with a like-minded group, yes, we may act sometimes like we're in God-mode. That's a lot of reason to feel peace and security.

But it's not us that's powerful. It's God. None of that is us, it's all Him, that's why we feel a deep inner peace. Our God has constant God-mode because He is God.
If you were following someone proven to be true with better truth than anyone has been proven, and they had constant God-mode, wouldn't you feel security? Strength? Peace?

We get everything from God. It's not that we're so strong, it's that we have someone with never-ending God-mode, in the middle of the battleground, waving his flag for people to pledge their faith too, before He blows everyone and everything else away.

The best thing is that He's offering you the opportunity to join His side. He wants you on His side.

He's not going to offer that forever.


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