EDIM 2 - Thoughtlines

Today I read through, and found ironic, that in the post before taking several months leave I stated that waiting to give and write more wasn't the right thing to do. Somehow things seem to have turned out just that way.

Ell-oh-ell. Lots of laughs and love later and I find myself returning after discovering I've essentially been blogging the whole time, just not publicly. It's a little thing I like to call "thoughtlines". A thoughtline is the result of following that single scittering thread in the mind, elusive and unwilling to be completely caught, resolved, or stopped.

But let me share with you this, catching it quite often results in a solid conclusion, or beneficial point.

Though that's not the whole reason to do one I suppose. I would describe the process thus: Chasing a thoughtline involves distraction free seclusion, and a dogged pursuit of baseline thought. The thought is written literally as soon as possible after having been thought, i.e, what you think is what's written, no matter how vulgar, scattered, prone to contradiction, susceptible to argument, or perhaps even profound. Editing is not allowed, and grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and all other forms of literary correctness is ignored entirely to run this quest until wherever the end comes. That end is when thought stops, or jumps tracks so severely that it's apparent a new thoughtline budged in without welcome.

Try it out sometime! The results vary widely. For me, its rarely been disappointing or unsatisfactory though.

To be honest, it has come to my slowly attracted attention that not everyone needs to write their thoughts to make sense of them. That much may have been obvious, but not the opposite, that I do. Without writing anything down, everything runs off the tracks into one big train wreck of unresolved ideas and speculations, as if Super 8's train scene were recreated in my mind. There's not so many tracks in there, so the trains must be brought to destinations before allowing any more to come thundering along smushing into the others.

Suffice to say, I guess I'm at this writing thing again. If at some point it brings you a smile, encourages a dismal outlook for a time, or to considering your own life and motives, I count myself incredibly blessed to have been used by God for such a purpose, and would love to hear from you.

Hmm.... that's all for now. :-)


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