EDIM 14 - Time

Recently watched "In Time". Not great, not bad. Met my low expectations, didn't exceed them. Entertained for the standard 2ish hours, that's all I hoped for. Super awesome idea, lackluster plot/storyline, I wish Christopher Nolan had directed and someone else had written.

Worth your time? Probably not, because while in the movie life can be extended potentially forever by adding time to yourself, that's not the case for us. Short movie review, check!

I can't ever get time back again.

That's noteworthy. I'm of the slightly opinionated theory that as age increases, years decrease in percentile size, becoming less significant in terms of time, in turn creating the illusion of time moving at a faster rate than the previous year. And with this speed increase time becomes more valuable than ever.

Makes me think on what I truly appreciated as a kid, or do now. The best memories have never been because of money, or all about me, it's always been the time. It's the one thing you just can't get more of, once spent, it's gone. The value of something like that, it's only compounded after realizing that it's also something you and I are both spending, non-stop. There's a finite amount to be had before death, and is constantly and steadily being invested in whatever we happen to be doing at any given time.

Now, I don't know about you, but that really points out the wasteful areas of my life. Literally everything we do is invested in, and that really changes the perspective. Necessities take, oh, 12 hours of the day (being rather generous), eating, cleaning, preparation, sleep. Things that everyone has to do, and while it's possible to do all that in significantly less time, I personally warn against less than 6 (7 is good!) hours of sleep time. Trust me, after a few months, the eyesight gets annoyingly bleary, a band of iron grips your head, and people become less intriguing. It's an interesting experience, I just don't recommend it.... at least more than once.

Its been said that where you put your time use, there will also be what you value, something along those lines. Makes a lot of sense in conjunction with Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure (value) is, there your heart will be also."

Looking at things in the light of time commitment makes me pause on what it is I really value, and whether they are worth it. These two verses come to mind in contrast.

Philippians 3:19, "Their destiny is their destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things."

Colossians 3:2-3, 'Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."


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