EDIM 30 - Procrastinated Entry

Procrastination is a terrible thing. One moment, your lounging in bliss, soaking up the sun, the next thing you know there's half an hour before some deadline that you never knew about before. Oh wait, procrastination means I did know about it. Well this time I didn't, though I don't that counts as an exemption. Now, it wouldn't be so bad if the lounging in the sun parts weren't so few and far between in the first place.

Yes, I'm under pressure again, deadline looming. This time one that came out of nowhere and so things just might be kinda interesting. Gotta think positive! At least I can relate to the majority right?

But shucks, jokes can only get you part way before the grinding wheel looms up and scrapes your face off. That's never a good thing. So, at this point, you can either leave for more healthy pursuits, or procrastinate and settle in for some scatterbrained, on-the-spot, half-cooked nonsense, most likely with some philosophically untested thoughts thrown in for seriousness. That one was serious by the way. No, really!

It is amusing just how often one can find ways to insert favorite quotes in daily experiences, with enough devotion to doing so in mind. Today I was talking to my co-worker Ben, who happened to end up talking about bears in the zoo or something.... I rather surreptitiously steered the conversation around to "gentle ben" whereupon I could deliver an entire monologue borrowed from Brian Regan (super great comedian!), unfortunately... the other co-worker I was with knew the comedian and joined in halfway through. No biggie though, it was fun to realize we both knew the same comedian. I couldn't find a clip with just the gentle ben portion, but here's a short one with just one joke before to loosen things up first. Gentle ben stuff starts at 1:27. Flipper & Gentle Ben

All that made me think afterwards while stacking sacks of cereal, I'd really like to know my bible that well. I mean, usually a verse or passage (from the new testament usually) pops into mind that goes along with what I write, but that's not the case in everyday conversation. Of course I can argue that everyday conversation is rather sparse and completely unrelated or suited for bible quotation, but the point exists. At the time, most verses that come to mind usually follow pretty depressing routes... "and so God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts.... to do things that ought not to be done...... they are full of malice, greed, envy, lust, haters of good." I don't exclude myself in entirety from those accusations either, but those verses aren't particularly the best bible to come to mind when thinking of my co-workers and lost associates.

But that procrastination..... deadlines inevitably mess up and steal that time which floated so wondrously in extension before thine eyes. This, is the reason I've found most proving of the point that bible study is a discipline -an expectantly happy discipline- but a discipline nonetheless.

Though I might enjoy continuing this for a long time way more than I should, I really can't, so I guess it's up to you to decide whether that's a loss or not because I'd couldn't choose myself even if I'd like too. See what I mean? That last sentence was like three different things all run together! How fun!

Okay more seriousness now, 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."


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