EDIM 26 - The Twilight Saga Expository Pt. 2

Twilight succeeds in more ways than one, variations on the definition of it's "success" aside. In addition to the love story between Edward and Bella, we have Jacob the werewolf. He embodies another subject for women, explaining in story form how important guy friends are. It doesn't seem that way sometimes, but guy friends that share genuine friendship carry a lot of influence.

Meh... grr. Blegh. Bad start, I'm not really sure how to continue cohesively. Spouting off different points and observations only lightly linked is hard for anyone to follow.

Bella is cast as quite normal, prone to physical harm, home to few talents. Keeping up appearances despite emotional insecurity, strife, and stress underneath. As well as a loving person. It doesn't take much to realize how easily that character connects in some way with a vast multitude of girls. Furthermore, Twilight continues on to introduce Superman, aka Edward. This character happens to never have had another interest in his life before Bella and never does after meeting her. Displays the perfect level of self-control. Appropriately becoming rightfully angered when he should be, is super strong and capable of protection. Also, happens to be amazingly good looking, well-mannered, and rich.

Oh please.... that part consistently had me inaudibly groaning through the series. I'd recommend Twilight as a good series myself due to the action, characters and development, and rather decent plot even, if it weren't for the continually overblown puke-worthy stuff all over. I guess that's what it takes to get the point across. Twilight takes a good many soul truths and wraps it all in a contemporary/modern glaze of sickly sweet gooey and warped fetish. I am utterly unsurprised at it's success after having read the series myself now.

Jesus was the only man equal to and far greater than Edward. Not a man alive possesses the attributes of dreamy, impossible, ludicrously over-the-top Edward. Yet, even within such an immature envisioning lies more truth. Girls are looking for these traits, and not finding them. That's probably the most depressing way to put it, but no less truthful despite. There's a vicious circle of men looking for women to stick with them and respect them amongst other things, and women looking for devoted men who will love and cherish with eyes only for them. Vicious, because few on either side commit anymore, and without commitment, the relationship will end, there is no doubt. Scarred hearts continue the circle.

Human frailty and faultiness. Those objectives will never be found without love in Christ beforehand, the one who makes humanity capable of practicing such traits. The only one who loves unconditionally and completely, who died as the payment necessary to render us free from sin, free to truly live.

There are many points to Twilight's success and enraptured girl crowd, but I've explained the major points discovered from personal observation. It's been an interesting read for sure, and I don't regret having read the series. A verse to leave with.

Romans 5:6-8, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Edit: Part 1


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