EDIM 23 - Drudgery/Movie Blab

I sit on a swivel, feet stretched out and crossed, braindead. Not entirely, with thoughts running throughout the head. I think of you, and I think of them, and I think it again and again. When what becomes when, and when why becomes how instead, I think it all again.

Random, paragraph is random. As random as randomosity attains within paradigm.

I knew it was going to be hard to come up with something worthwhile every day.... makes me wonder as to the genuine-osity of abstract or vague writings. Sure, they're interesting to read, you can get a whole different meaning than the one the writer was thinking about, if they were at all. I've never written abstract stuff that's pure baloney... yet. If that was so, it'd be lame.

As things run now, I've not had enough time to ponder on much of anything. Makes life silly dull! I'd think having work and deadlines might instill some energastic rush but it's the opposite, shutting off room for creative mulling, shunting priorities around. It's not as if having stuff to do is a bad thing, no that's good. Better a life spent working than a life spent in self-pitying lollygagging. Gagworthy! I have had notion to reflect on co-workers existence though, considering work shifts and hours available in general, a full time career really becomes the primary of life, and that's sad to me. If that's all there was, I'd never let myself become attached to anyone and kill myself early to reduce emotional damage... living a life primary in work is equivalent to wading into a bottomless chasm of something thick and foul. Lost ones drive to continue.... rather stupefies me at times. Love of the self, and love for family/causes. Putting that full time hours doesn't turn out in any ideal way though... it's just mindless and endless entrapped drudgery in exchange for hours, minutes, of anything not work. Tv even. That's really, really incredibly depressing.

Well enough of that then, things really started going downhill... on a brighter note, The Dark Knight Rises release date is supposedly July 20th. Excited. Oh my word so excited. Christopher Nolan has become my favorite director and DKR has lot of my favorite actors in it too, rather like getting Inception all over again. Or at least, that's where I'm attempting to keep my expectations too. It always helps to downplay expectations for movies, giving them a better chance to exceed them and end up making things an enjoyable experience. As a sad example, Hoowinked Too. I had fair hopes for it as a sequel to the wonderful first, Hoodwinked, but alas. It was atrocious, don't watch it, and live life as if it never happened. The first is heart-warming and tremendously endearing after the initial cheesiness.

I'd cautiously suggest the movie Sunshine, which is truly inspiring to me. That movie has such an opening cinematic I'm lost in it almost immediately. And ending with another scene of equal gripping power. It's one of Cillian Murphy's earlier movie roles as well, (a favorite actor) I say cautiously because it does have some strong language. Primarily at the beginning. Also, apparently it's classified as sci-fi horror and everyone dies, you might want to know that. Of course it's not for everyone, my brother totally didn't get it and the movie is pretty much moot and meh to him, but it's spectacular for me.

Alright, that's enough silly talk of silly. Perhaps more silly tomorrow.


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