EDIM 17 - Opposing Viewpoints

A month ago a co-worker of mine let it be known that they would be moving out of town, having had enough experience in the realm of moving to the point where another move really makes no difference I decided to offer help. Interestingly enough that offer pulled through and ended up a blessing from God, as to my surprise I was paid.

Today though, I ran over the garden hose while mowing. *sigh*

There's really two viewpoints, and it's a huge key to living with joy as a Christian. I'm not going to say I wasn't disheartened and frustrated -for once I thought perhaps I'd have some cash in my wallet for a while. Garden hoses are not very cheap. It was easy to feel as though I'd gone and made some cash just to have this happen, but the Christian faith leaves me still filled with joy despite.

Because when God has control over everything and cares for you as his son, things start pointing back to his providential grace. I had not expected to be paid for helping move, I had no idea I would mow over a hose. God provides.

There's two viewpoints: Either you can choose to become disheartened and depressed over continual costs, hurts, inconveniences, and circumstances with delayed explanations, or you can live realizing that God did this, or that, and had that person decide to pay you because he knows your needs better than you do yourself. What an awesome God.

Either way, here's another song. Mew - Comforting Sounds


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